The previous versions of Counter-Strike didn’t include any ranking system, which caused problems in matchmaking. CSGO ranking system was designed to make sure that players get a fair chance of proving their worth.

What Are CSGO Ranks?
CSGO ranks are the part of the game, which indicates the skill level of players. Since the release of the game, there are a total of eighteen CSGO ranks. Below is the list of all CSGO ranks:
- Silver I, II, III, IV, Elite, and Elite Master
- Gold Nova I, II, III, and Nova Master
- Master Guardian I, II, and Guardian Elite
- Distinguished Master Guardian
- Legendary Eagle
- Legendary Eagle Master
- Supreme Master First Class
- The Global Elite
What CSGO Ranks Mean

With a total of eighteen Counter-Strike Global Offensive ranks, it’s quite tricky to learn what each rank means. All-in-all, ranks in CSGO are divided in the following three tiers:
- Silvers
Players with any silver rank are new to the game. They have a fundamental understanding of the game, weapons, maps, and more.
- Novas
Novas are the next bracket to silvers. Players with nova ranks have an excellent knowledge of spray-patterns, flashbang spots, and more.
- Master Guardians
Master Guardians are the people who have advance knowledge of the game. From gameplay mechanics to tactics, they have an intense grip on everything.
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How CSGO Ranking System Works
Unlike other eSports titles, CSGO ranks work differently. CSGO ranking system doesn’t solely depend on wins and losses. Many things are taken into account as bomb diffuses, damage per round, headshots, MVPs, and you name it.
If your team has won, you’ll probably gain more points if you have contributed significantly to the outcome. Furthermore, even if your team losses, you’ll lose a few points if your individual performance was better than others.
How To Earn My First CSGO Rank?
When you are a newbie, the CSGO ranking system is locked along with the competitive mode. You have to play other modes like casual, deathmatch, etc. to earn EXP for reaching Private Rank 2. Once you have reached this milestone, all CSGO ranks and competitive matchmaking will be unlocked for you.
Now jump into the competitive mode and win ten games to earn your first rank. Note that there’s a limit of games you can win each day, the cap is set to two wins per day. Although it’s a little annoying, all players have gone through this process.
After getting your first rank, you’ll be able to play as many matches as you like. But note that you’ll be matched against the players who five CSGO ranks lower or higher than you. Based on your personal and team’s overall performance, your rank will be upgraded or downgraded.
CSGO ranking system will reset your rank if you haven’t played the game for a month. In order to get it back, you need to win or draw a match. And you will not be able to match against any player with a rank above Master Guardian I until you have redeemed your badge.
We wish you all the luck for your CSGO journey! Master the basics, analyze the gameplay, and create your own tactics to level up in no time.